Summer Programs 2022
(Last updated:3/30/22)
The safety of our community is paramount and we are committed to reducing the exposure and transmission of Covid-19. The situation surrounding this pandemic is constantly changing and evolving, but adapting to change is pretty much a skateboarder’s super power! We too are evolving our policies and practices to address safety concerns are are in constant contact with Boulder County Health and will continue to follow their guidelines, as well as all state and national mandates.
Preparing for Camp
We will no longer be able to accommodate drop-ins.
Please sign our electronic waiver prior to attending programs.
Familiarize yourself with our new drop-off and pick-up policies.
New Drop-Off and Pick-Up Policies
Please have an electronic waiver signed prior to the start of all programs.
Participants are NO LONGER required to wear a face covering while indoors or when in camp vehicles. Please be considerate and respect social distance, especially while indoors.
Full Day Skate Campers will meet at the Squarehouse Wherehouse where a staff member will be stationed outside to greet participants and check them in. Parents and guardians are allowed to enter the Squarehouse but we will avoid large congregations around the check-in desk.
Square State Skate staff will ask about every camper’s health and may take your child’s temperature if they are exhibiting signs of illness.
Square State Skate reserves the right to turn away participants that are sick.
Changes to Camp Programs
Full Day Skate Camps will operate normally.
To reduce transitions, groups will visit fewer parks each day, but will instead enjoy longer skate sessions at each park.
Camps will no longer meet up for group lunch or combined skate sessions.
We have reduced the number of skate camp locations running each week.
Participants will be required to bring their own lunch and own water bottle as well as their own safety gear. Square State Skate can no longer provide loaner equipment and participants will not be permitted to share lunch items.
Facility and Vehicle Cleaning
We will clean and sanitize all surfaces and before and after programs each day.
We provide hand sanitizer at the Squarehouse and on vehicles.
All buses and vans will be cleaned before and after each use.
Staff will be asked to stay home if they exhibit signs of sickness or have a fever.
If you have any questions, please contact us at or 720-441-4047.